February 7, 2011
Hank shares on the uprising in Egypt and the persecution of Coptic Christians. He also shares on the persecution of Christians worldwide (0:34)
Questions / Comments
- How do we know what to change in the world, what to leave alone, what is God’s will, and what is not the will of God? (8:30)
- Is Walk to Emmaus OK for Christians? (11:58)
- What about the “spirit of discipline” mentioned in the New Testament? What does it mean? (20:58)
- Whose sins are covered in James 5:20? (21:57)
- How does “Salt and Light” relate to politics? (25:01)
- Clarify comments on the Walk to Emmaus. What are they going to tell me that I shouldn’t hear? (32:05)
- Is the Bible the Word of God or just a resource to lead us to His Word? (40:48)
- How to properly respond to Christian persecutions in the world, such as the killings in Nigeria sponsored by Islamic movements? (47:33)