April 29, 2011
Hank shares on the Bible Answers for 5 Challenging Questions (0:32)
Questions / Comments
- How to help a friend address the teaching of William Branham? (7:28)
- Clarify the New Heaven and New Earth. Will Heaven be on Earth? (11:04)
- How do Roman Catholics believe we go to heaven? What about Last Rites and Purgatory? (20:34)
- Is there any truth to the May 24, 2011 end time prediction of Harold Camping? (24:30)
- Addressing JW on Revelation 3:12 and the writing name on temple of my God? How can Jesus say this if He is not God? (28:38)
- Clarify the 144,000. Will only 144,000 go to heaven at the rapture or will there only be 144,000 saved after the rapture? (41:10)
- If all humans came from one man, why so many races? (48:13)