November 17, 2011
Hank shares a letter from an active Methodist pastor who was also an atheist (0:40)
Questions / Comments:
- Address Messianic Judaism and Jesus being the Torah made flesh. Can you expound on John 4:22-23? (4:16)
- I fell from the Lord. I read Psalm 71:1-11. How do you claim these things? (7:28)
- How are we to interpret the adding and removing in Revelation 22:18-19? (21:01)
- What happened to Jesus during the 3 days in the tomb? Why did it take Him 3 days to rise? (26:55)
- Can you explain the judgment of Christians? If Christians are under the blood, how is that we will be judged? (28:40)
- And what does the Bible mean when it says we will cast our crowns before the Lord? (32:37)
- Can you be a Christian and be actively involved in Free Masonry? (41:02)
- I am a Christian, but I found out that I am HIV positive, how can I witness effectively? (48:34)