December 16, 2011
Hank shares on the Magi and the giving of gifts during Christmas (0:51)
Questions / Comments
- My daughter’s school offered yoga classes. Is it ok to teach children Yoga? (5:50)
- I heard that asides the angelic host surrounding us, do the souls of humans related to us in this realm, can such be supported by Hebrews 12 and 2 Kings 6? (11:34)
- What’s your opinion of Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible? (21:50)
- I formerly attended a Church of God. Should we observe the Sabbath on Sunday? (23:30)
- What is your view on the doctrine of election? (30:06)
- Our son died in a car accident. He was driving recklessly. My wife wants to know why God allowed us to lose our him? (39:44)
- Lost my baby granddaughter. What happens to infants who die? Will we recognize them in heaven? (42:55)
- Why are there different races? (47:16)