January 30, 2012
Hank shares on the biblical view of wealth, namely Christian capitalism, or responsibility associated with wealth (0:34)
Questions / Comments:
- What happens to pets in the afterlife? (2:51)
- My husband was formerly baptized as a Christian. He then was later baptized as a Mormon. He returned to Christianity but never got baptized again. Should he get re-baptized now? (5:21)
- What are your thoughts on the Greek Orthodox Church? (7:44)
- Which Bible translations are best, and which ones should we avoid? (8:58)
- What is your opinion of the Church of Christ and their teaching? No musical instruments in worship? Only their way of baptism? (21:01)
- Witnessing to daughter who embraces the teachings of Eckhart Tolle? (23:04)
- How can I share my faith in the workplace without offending people? (26:51)
- Can you help me understand John 20:23? I thought only God could forgive sins. (29:23)
- Are you familiar with the book Revealing Heaven series by Kat Kerr? (30:43)
- I attend a church where certain brothers purport to be able to see demons. They say my son has about 12 to 15 demons. What are your views on this? (38:44)
- I am wondering about the cost of being a disciple. How can you know when you have too many possessions and need to give them away? (44:17)
- Did Jesus descend into hell after He died on the cross? (48:10)