March 21, 2012
Hank shares on the biblical view of wealth, Christian capitalism, and having an eternal view of money (0:52)
Question / Comments:
- My job occasionally requires work on Sunday. Is it ok to work on the Sabbath? Can one do work around the house? (6:24)
- What are your thoughts on 1 Samuel 28, and the summoning of Samuel by the medium of Endor? (10:00)
- Demonic possession has happened, but can demons reveal themselves as apparitions? (13:09)
- If you were dealing with someone purporting to have seen something unexplainable but thinks it is demonic, how would you respond to that person? (14:44)
- My body is falling apart but my friends want to put the blame on Satan. I am skeptical. Can Satan make us physically sick? (21:52)
- I am twice divorced and presently dating another man. Is it ok to be intimate with someone who you are not married to? Do you have to be legally married first? (27:53)
- Isn’t the true Sabbath on Saturday? (38:57)
- Do you agree with Ken Ham’s view of creation? (42:17)
- I moved from Texas to Kentucky and back to Texas. But now I am having trouble selling my house in Kentucky, which makes me wonder whether I am in God’s will. How do you know when you are in the will of God? (45:20)
- Are you familiar with Warren Wiersbe? Anything wrong with his teachings? (49:23)
- I have trouble understanding the expression “Everything happens for a reason.” And how do I make sense of this idea in my life? (49:58)