Jun 26, 2024
Hank addresses whether Adam and Eve will receive brand new bodies in eternity and the significance of the resurrection (0:36)
Questions / Comments
- Why do the Gospels record a different version of the words of Jesus on the cross? (5:14)
- There is a church out of Anderson, South Carolina. I was shocked by their 90-day tithing challenge. They based this on Malachi 3:10. They promised a refund if tithers did not get their blessings. Is this right? (9:43)
- I heard a man preaching that we better believe in the rapture, and that was a theology found by a saint 100 years back or many years back, and it spread like fire. How is the rapture going to happen? What is your viewpoint? (20:58)
- I have two questions. Revelation 20 talks about “the first resurrection,” which suggest a second resurrection, and that Jesus will reign on Earth. Where do you get that there will be no 7-year tribulation period? I am trying to understand why you say that the seven years is unbiblical (27:01)
- It is sounds like you are picking up and choosing out of the Bible to go with. To say that it is written to other people sounds like you are picking and choosing (31:08)
- An elder at my church took a break from the church to cease going through the routine. The elder and his family are not going anywhere else (another church) but staying home. I think we ought to be at church. It is a sin to choose to stay home and do something else. (40:16)
- Am I correct in saying that if a follower of Christ commits suicide that they will not go to heaven? (44:04)
- Me and my husband lost two sons around 9 years ago. I have been told that they will know us in heaven as mother and father. (47:25)