Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
- Can you explain why Mark’s Gospel chronicles a young man who ran away naked in Mark 14:51?
- Does Genesis 1 say that God created light before the stars?
- Are the days of creation not to be understood chronologically?
- What significance does tongues have for the Christian faith? Must you speak in tongues to be saved? What should I tell my friend who spoke to me in tongues?
- Can you clarify your view of the Tribulation and when the events of Revelation took place?
- Do you know who wrote the book of Hebrews? Do you think those who assembled the Bible knew who wrote it? What about the book of Enoch, was it inspired?
- What is the significance of Moses hitting the rock and not speaking to it as God commanded?
- Was the work of salvation accomplished at the cross or with Jesus’ resurrection?
- Why does Paul put so much emphasis on the resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15?
- Is it okay for a Christian to vote for a Mormon?