Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
- How do I witness to an atheist?
- Is the Church of Christ a cult? How can I help my friend who is a member of this church?
- Should I be worried that the word “He” with reference to God is being taken out of certain translations of the Bible?
- What are the biblical grounds for divorce?
- What happens when we die? Do we go into a soul sleep?
- How do I refute the Roman Catholic doctrine of purgatory?
- Why witness to Mormons if they love darkness and God has given them over to a strong delusion?
- Why are Roman Catholics the only ones who can cast out demons?
- My friend says she doesn’t believe in the Christian faith anymore. She is now following Oprah and Eckhart Tolle. Has she lost her salvation?
- How are we to interpret the miracles in the Bible? Do we interpret them literally or not?