Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
- What is the biblical teaching on baptism? Does baptism save us? What about Acts 22:16?
- My husband and I are separated, but I still love him. He’s not a Christian. What should I do?
- If salvation is by grace through faith in Christ alone, do we have to do anything for our salvation? Is faith a work?
- Is there any similarity between the Word of Faith teaching of “little gods” and the Eastern Orthodox view of the deification of man?
- Can Christians consume alcohol?
- What is your opinion of Chuck Missler?
- The Bible doesn’t really say that God created water. How does water fit into the creation story?
- I am a Latter Day Saint. Why do you say that Mormons and Christians don’t believe in the same Jesus?
- When we stand before God, will we see all of the bad things we have done? What about the scripture that says He will remember our sins no more?