Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
- My brother who claimed to be a Christian now says he’s following an ancient henotheistic Egyptian religion.
- What exactly did Jesus mean when He said to forgive others and you will be forgiven?
- I’ve heard you say that there is no such thing as ghosts. But in Luke 24:37-39 Jesus says a ghost does not have flesh and bones. If there are no ghosts, what was He referring to?
- I have encountered a group on campus called the World Mission Society Church of God. Do you have any information on this group and their beliefs?
- I started dating a Catholic who is also a Democrat. So I was concerned about this with the upcoming election.
- In light of Jesus’ statement that His kingdom is not of this world, should Christians be involved in politics?
- Is there an opportunity to accept Christ after death?
- Can you give me some tips or techniques for memorizing Scripture?
- How can I refute the Jehovah’s Witnesses teaching on John 1:1? The minister at my girlfriend’s church teaches that Jesus didn’t die for our sins, but from our sins.