Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
- Was the Sermon on the Mount specifically intended for and directed to the disciples, or to all believers until the Lord returns?
- Some of my family members have been listening to Perry Stone, and want me to as well. What can you tell me about him?
- When Jehovah’s Witnesses come to my door, it has always been two women. Is there a reason for this, or is it just my experience?
- Thinking about Harold Camping and the Mayan Calendar, who is the next date setter we need to be concerned about?
- Can you explain your position on the nature of Satan and how he is described in scripture?
- Could you explain your views on the Rapture and end time events?
- If God allowed polygamy in the Old Testament time, why does He prohibit homosexuality?
- Does pervasive cultural acceptance of homosexuality make it any less sinful?