Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
- Can you explain how to reconcile what Jesus said to Pilate in John 18:36, and His words to Peter about taking up the sword?
- If souls are not physical and therefore have no location, how does this relate to the glorified body of Jesus? Where is He now?
- How can I explain to a friend that we do not live in a three dimensional universe?
- Does God elect us or do we choose Him? I have called upon the Lord many times and I don’t feel any different. Does that mean God didn’t choose me?
- Can we walk around on property and claim it for our own according to Deuteronomy 11:24?
- Does God the Father have a spirit body or is He invisible?
- Was Noah’s flood local or global?
- Is it necessary to wear a suit and tie, or dress up when attending church?
- How can I explain the doctrine of the Trinity to a Mormon?