Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
- I recently converted to Roman Catholicism. Are you aware of the difference between mediation and intercession? Doesn’t Revelation 5 and 8 show the saints in heaven lifting up the prayers of those who are on earth?
- My mother passed away two months ago. When I die and go to heaven, will I recognize her?
- Should we take Communion on a daily basis?
- Are there any other books besides the Bible that can reveal God’s heart to me?
- What are your thoughts on a women’s role in the church according to 1 Corinthians 14:34?
- How can I explain to my friend that Freemasonry is unbiblical?
- Is it wrong to call God our friend? Does this undermine our understanding of Him as Savior?
- Can you comment on the Apostolic Churches teaching that God may blot our names out of the Book of Life according to Revelation 3:5, and Romans 11?
- What is your opinion of self-baptism?