January 26, 2010
Hank shares on the Legacy Reading Plan lets us read 66 love letters one book at a time for the rest of life. He notes that if he were to live until the age his father died, he would have read the Bible 14 more times. If he lives longer, so much the better (0:45)
Questions / Comments
- If the church in America were reading the Bible and doing what it says, then the church would be exploding (6:40)
- Old Testament Covenant with David was conditional but the New Testament Covenant unconditional? (7:55)
- What was the eschatological view of the early church fathers prior to John Nelson Darby? (10:37)
- Friend is member of Local Church. They say Roman Catholics and Protestants are apostates. What do you say to that? (21:04)
- Dominion mandate or the Reconstructionist movement. They use Genesis 1 for their understanding on dominion, and Matthew 28 on influencing the culture. Is their interpretation of the Bible correct? (26:26)
- My concern is about capital punishment in OT Laws being applied today? (30:02)
- 10 Things Your Minister Wants to Tell You: But Can’t, Because He Needs the Job by Oliver “Buzz” Thomas (39:42)
- When you speak of Paradise lost and Paradise restored is that equivalent or type of Garden of Eden? (46:01)