Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
- How can true followers of Christ support gay marriage?
- Why is it so crucial that the Bible is true? How can we test the truth of Scripture when there are so many fallible human interpretations?
- Did Jesus ever say that homosexuality is wrong?
- Do people have free will? What about the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart in Romans 9:16-20? How do you interpret this passage?
- Why does God forbid killing people when He himself kills people?
- In John 15:13, what does it mean, “…that someone lay down his life for his friends”? Is this describing death only?
- Will everyone have a glorified body in the Millennium?
- Should Christians fight for laws against same sex-marriage?
- Did the saints described in Matthew 27:52-53, have their glorified bodies?
- When Jesus was on the cross, what did He mean when He said, “it is finished”?