Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Monologue:
- Hank discusses the Bible’s metaphorical description of heaven and how many miss the meaning because they interpret it in a wooden literal fashion.
Questions and Answers:
- Can you address the analogy that some Oneness Pentecostals use to describe God as one person such as a father, husband, and son?
- Was Jesus really tempted as we are?
- I am discussing the creation of the world with an atheist who claims that carbon dating disproves the Biblical account. Can you help me with this?
- Is the description of hell as a “lake of fire” a metaphor?
- I am in church leadership and am also struggling with sexual sin and adultery. Should I remain a leader or step down?
- Is the destruction of Damascus in Isaiah 17, describing what is currently happening in Syria today?
- 1 Chronicles 9:1 mentions the “Book of the Kings.” Is this book in the Bible or something we still have today?
- Is it okay for a Christian to be cremated? If so, how will those who are cremated be resurrected?
- Part of my job requires me to take clients out to a bars where there is heavy drinking. Is this something I should be involved in, or should I quit?