Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Monologue:

  • Hank shares his thoughts on an article in the Christian Research Journal titled: “Are There Nonreligious Skeptics of Darwinian Evolution and Proponents of Intelligent Design?”

Questions and Answers:

  • Since salvation is not by works, but is the gift of God, how do we reconcile this with passages of Scripture that teach Christians will be judged by their works?
  • Seventh-Day Adventists say that the day of worship was change by the Roman Catholic Church. When was the day of worship actually changed from Saturday to Sunday?
  • How can David be called a man after God’s own heart when he sinned so heinously?
  • Are we too judgmental on leaders today who fall into sin?
  • How do I deal with my son who now claims to be a homosexual?

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