Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Monologue:
- Hank discusses nonreligious scientists such as Anthony Flew and Fred Hoyle who have challenged Darwinian evolution in favor of Intelligent Design.
Questions and Answers:
- Is it possible to hold two truths that are in conflict as both being true?
- Are we saved by the death of Christ or by His life?
- My friend recently told me he is gay. Is this an unpardonable sin?
- Can you address the idea that Christians can attain sinless perfection?
- Will the Antichrist come at the 6th trumpet and Jesus return at the 7th trumpet according to Revelation chapters 9 and 10?
- I am wondering if I have blasphemed the Holy Spirit.
- Can you help me explain to my mother-in-law that there isn’t a chance for salvation after death?