February 24, 2010

As we prepare our hearts for Christmas, so too we must prepare our hearts for the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hank indicates that this is the capstone of Christianity. Nothing is more significant than the reality of Christ’s resurrection, which ensures that we too will be resurrected (0:37).


  • Friend is a Hindu. She denies polytheism but says there are reincarnations of gods taking different forms each time. Can you give further explanation? (3:51)
  • Discussing prophecy, particularly in Joel 2:28 and 1 Corinthians 12, but how to show that there is no more revelation and adding to the Scripture? (11:55)
  • Comment on ELCA decision to adopt language into their faith style that accepts homosexual lifestyle and allowing them to preach as pastors (21:00)
  • Brother became very sick, taken to emergency room, and he tells of having an out of body experience, i.e., near death experience.  (27:07)
  • What does it mean to interpret the Bible literally and figuratively? (38:57)
  • What about The Shack by Paul Young? Why read something that will not help you spiritually? How to handle this correctly? (44:32)