September 20, 2011
Hank interviews Dr. Jonathan Witt about the design and genius in nature especially in regard to the Metamorphosis of butterflies (0:48).
Questions / Comments
- Does not the New Testament give a higher standard of financial stewardship than the Old Testament? God does not want Christians to search for personal material gain? (21:21)
- Should Christians tithe according to Malachi 3:10? (27:11)
- What does the phrase “heart of the Earth” mean in Matthew 12:40? Three days and three nights in the ground? (30:52)
- What is a good translation, the King James Version, the New Century Version, or the English Standard Version? (39:16)
- Why did God harden people’s heart in the Bible? (42:37)
- Is the Holman Old Testament Bible Commentary a good resource? (47:33)