Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Monologue:
- Hank refutes the erroneous, ahistorical claims of Reza Aslan’s book, Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth.
Questions and Answers:
- Is the Olivet Discourse only about the destruction of Jerusalem and not also about the second coming of Christ?
- What are your thoughts on women wearing pants, makeup, or jewelry?
- How can I witness to a Muslim? Are there any passages in the Qur’an that I can use to discredit it?
- Shouldn’t the term born again in John chapter 3 really be begotten from above?
- Is it wrong for Protestants to disassociate with Roman Catholics because they pray the rosary? Is praying the rosary okay?
- Did God create evil according to Isaiah 45:7?