Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Monologue:
- Hank deals with the alleged contradictions in the Gospel accounts of the resurrection; showing the narratives to be complimentary as opposed to contradictory.
Questions and Answers:
- What are your thoughts on the two thieves who were crucified along with Jesus? They both seemed to revile Him, yet one of them later realized Jesus was the Messiah.
- What about those who claim to be Christians but live in blatant sin with unrepentant hearts? Are they saved or are they deceived?
- What is the biblical significance of circumcision and why it is practiced today?
- What is your take on the two witnesses in Revelation chapter 11?
- Does belief in cessationism or continuationism have any impact on our salvation? What do you think about John MacArthur’s Strange Fire conference? How can I find the truth when men like John MacArthur and John Piper disagree on these issues?
PLUS: A special Christmas Eve message from Hank!
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