On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank mentions that we live, not so much in a post-modern world, but a post-truth world. Hank discusses how the CRI resource for May, Saving Truth: Finding Meaning & Clarity in a Post-Truth World by Abdu Murray. Hank also mentions he has a truly special program lined up for today. Hank is joined on the program by John Warren, author of The Financial Rescue Plan for Nonprofits and founder of CFS Financial. John’s passion is using his skills, experience, and education to advance Christian education and the work of churches and parachurch ministries, and has provided consulting services to schools, churches, and ministries nationwide.
Hank also answers the following questions:
- How do we make sense of Adam and Eve in the garden, and God who is all-knowing and all-seeing?
- I recently heard Michael Youssef talking about merits and crowns we receive in Heaven. Can you address this for me?