Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank encourages his listeners to go to the Bible Answer Man Facebook and like it. The Bible Answer Man page can be found at Hank also discusses the history of the National Day of Prayer.
Questions and Answers:
- How do we explain to someone that God chose Jesus alone as the way of salvation?
- Sometimes the Bible refers to books that are not in the Bible. Should we try to find those books and read them?
- How much one-on-one time will we have with Jesus when He comes again?
- Does Satan know he will be defeated?
- How can your beliefs now be the same as codified in your books?
- Are you familiar with Indigo Children? How can we witness to them?
- How does the doctrine of eternal security affect our manner of life and salvation?
- What are some of the best ways to preach to and teach young people as they grow?
- Why did God honor men in the Bible when they had more than one wife? Would He do that today?