Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank welcomes author, speaker, and Program Director of Genesis Biblical Counseling, Joe Dallas to discuss his latest book titled Speaking of Homosexuality: Discussing the Issues with Kindness and Clarity. According to Joe, the church is required to give a defense of the Christian claim that God has defined human sexuality in His Word, and to do this clearly and compassionately. Joe tells of his struggle with homosexuality as a teenager and how the Holy Spirit convicted him of sin. He also addresses the issue of persecution and how it will probably not take the form of martyrdom, but will come in the form of lawsuits, legislation, and cultural contempt.
Questions and Answers:
- I am coming out of homosexuality, but I still struggle with pornography; do you have any encouragement?
- How can I respond to a friend’s view that homosexual people are born that way, and that using Leviticus is a poor argument against homosexuality because of other stipulations?