Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank welcomes author and publisher Jack Countryman to discuss The Complete Bible Answer Book Collector’s Edition Revised and Updated. Hank and Jack address this volume’s new entries, acronyms, and overall redesign, as well as the need for the vital answers and biblical principles it provides.
Questions and Answers:
- Can you clarify whether or not you believe in the real presence of Christ in Communion?
- Can you address J.I. Packer’s view of Roman Catholic icons in worship?
- What is your opinion of cremation verses burial?
- When the Spirit descended upon Jesus at His baptism, was this the infilling of the Holy Spirit? He didn’t need to be indwelt with the Spirit did He?
- Do angels sing?
- Is hell in the center of the earth?