On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast Hank answers questions on the following topics:
- How can I explain to my daughter that the English Bible translations we have are accurate?
- How could there have been a great tribulation in the past when Jesus, in Matthew 24:21, said the future tribulation would be the greatest?
- I have been talking with an atheist who believes the Bible promotes slavery; how can I refute this?
- My husband is addicted to alcohol; do you have any advice on how I can help him break this addiction?
- Did Jesus think the earth was flat?
Hank welcomes Dr. Larry Johnston to the second and third segments of the broadcast to discuss the Christian Research Institute’s fiscal year end goals and the importance of listeners joining the CRI Support team. Larry communicates CRI’s global initiative to reach the world with a wealth of resources translated into Mandarin and Spanish through partners who give not to CRI, but through CRI to become kingdom change agents in the battle for life and truth.