Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank share’s his thoughts on comments made by Nancy Pelosi at today’s National Prayer Breakfast. Pelosi claimed that the Golden Rule can be found in the teachings of Islam, yet she didn’t quote from the Qur’an, but rather the Hadith. This passage, however, is not about Muslims loving others, but about Muslims loving Muslims. In contrast, the Qur’an teaches Muslims to fight those who do not believe in Allah and forbids them to have friendships with Jews and Christians. Therefore, politicians today are either ignorant of the Qur’an, or lying about what it teaches.
Questions and Answers:
- What makes certain foods clean or unclean in God’s eyes?
- In your opinion, is free will biblical?
- Should we be looking for an evangelical President? Are there any texts we can go to in Scripture to help in this regard?
- If I was a Muslim reading the Bible, and came to the story of Lot and his daughters, wouldn’t I think the Bible is unethical?