Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:

  • Hank poses the question: do you really have the Christmas spirit? In fact, what is the Christmas spirit? More than the feeling of happiness experienced when we receive a gift or a bonus. The true spirit of Christmas is a spirit of selfless giving, like the Lord Jesus Christ who humbled Himself for our sake, and gave us the greatest gift of all.

Questions and Answers:

  • What is the most Scriptural form of church government?
  • After God marked Cain in Genesis 4, where did all the other people come from that Cain was afraid would kill him?
  • How did Christ not inherit original sin?
  • I attended a non-denominational church and partook of Communion, but my friend thinks I should only take Communion at my home church; what are your thoughts on this?
  • My mom passed away from lung cancer, and now my siblings aren’t speaking to me because they think she had money that she didn’t have. What is the Christian way to handle this situation? Is there anything I can do besides pray?
  • When we pray, are we to pray to the Holy Spirit or only to the Father?

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