Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank shares his thoughts on yesterday’s massacre in London. We now know the perpetrator was fifty-two year old Khalid Masood. Prime Minister Theresa May emphatically pontificated that it would be wrong to classify the London attack as Islamic terrorism, but rather a perversion of a great faith. This of course begs the question: what makes Islam great? Is Islam great because it subordinates women and allows men to beat their wives? Or is it great because it has advanced by the sword for fourteen generations? While there may be millions of peace-loving Muslims, Islam is anything but peaceful. It is not a great religion.
Questions and Answers:
- We tend to classify some sins as worse than others, but isn’t the punishment for all sins the same?
- Did Satan set up Islam as an alternate religion to draw people away from the truth?
- I am gay and I also consider myself a Christian, but I’ve heard that gay people be can’t be saved. Is my salvation invalid?
- Are Muslims worshipping Muhammad the same way we worship Jesus?
- What do you think of the book Heaven by Randy Alcorn?