Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Monologue:
- Hank contrasts a secular view of tolerance with the Biblical understanding of true tolerance.
Questions and Answers:
- Is cremation against God’s word?
- When God created all things including the angels, where did pride come from?
- Aren’t Christians violating God’s law by moving the Sabbath to Sunday?
- How should we interpret Psalm 31:4?
- What does God say about taking our relationships into our own hands especially with online dating services?
- Does the Bible condemn gambling if I pay my tithe from my winnings and use it in a godly way?
- Can you explain Matthew chapter 7 and those to whom the Lord declares He never knew?
- Are we all born in sin?
- Does baptism bring someone into the body of Christ?
- My father had a stroke and in the hospital decided he wanted to die and hospice agreed with this. Is this a form of euthanasia?
- What are the qualities or characteristics of a healthy church?