The Porn Myth Book Cover

Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:

Hank’s Prologue:

  • Hank shares breaking news: Toronto Van Attack—a terrorist attack in which 9 people were killed. Hank also mentions he recently recorded a new Hank Unplugged with Matt Fradd on the subject of “The Porn Myth”.

Questions and Answers:

  • Can you tell me briefly why you became Orthodox?
  • Are you familiar with Sister Claire on YouTube? She says that Jesus speaks with her directly. Is this possible? Does He have direct conversations with people?
  • In John 17:5, Jesus talks about the glory He had with the Father before creation. How much of Jesus’ life before His incarnation was Jesus aware of during His time on earth?
  • Can you clarify for me Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. views on the essential doctrines of the Christian faith?
  • Do you still believe what you have believed for the last 30 years since becoming Orthodox?

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