Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank responds to the claim that Christians are not supposed to speak against God’s anointed. Hank, however, explains that this does not mean we are not allowed test the teachings of pastors and leaders in light of Scripture. In fact, the Bereans were counted more noble because they examined the teaching of the Apostle Paul.
Questions and Answers:
- I don’t believe that in Genesis chapter 6, the sons of God and women procreated. Is this correct?
- Are the spiritual gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12 still for today?
- I’ve heard you say the flood was local and not necessarily global. If so, why did animals need to go on the ark? With regard to the age of the earth, couldn’t God have created the earth already aged?
- Based on the genealogies how can I believe the earth is millions of years old? How can we be certain carbon dating is accurate? How should we interpret the days of creation?
- Why do you think Joyce Meyer fits into the category of false teachers?
- What does God think of someone from another faith praying for me? Should I ask them not to pray for me?
- My husband is verbally abusive and I don’t know what to do.