July 16, 2009
Hank shares about not doing what is politically correct and paying the price for being politically correct today or telling people what they want to hear. Evangelical Christianity needs a prophetic voice to tell it like it is. (1:33)
- What about 1 John 5:16 and the sin leading to death? Same as the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? (22:09)
- Can you explain the Trinity? Jesus and the Father the same person? (29:22)
- Do you believe that Jesus is going to come back literally in His glorified body? (42:32)
- Witnessing to Jews about Jesus Christ (48:06)
Get the CRI equipping resource Truth Under Siege: The great Christian Reformers of the Middle Ages, such as John Wyclif, John Hus, and Martin Luther, each exemplify the transforming power of a testimony tried by fire. There is an eerie relationship between reformers like Hus and the biblical prophet Jeremiah. They both, unlike the false prophets in our midst today, experienced the power of the presence of a living God whose name was to be revered!
In this message, Hank Hanegraaff reminds us that just as the Great Reformers and Prophets of old were willing to give their utmost for God’s highest not only in the public square but each and every moment of the day, we, too, as followers of Christ need to realize the paramount importance of redeeming each moment of our lives for the cause of our precious Redeemer.