None of the arguments forwarded by philosophical naturalism, which is the worldview that under girds evolution:
1. The universe is merely an illusion.
2. The universe sprang from nothing.
3. The universe eternally existed,
satisfactorily account for the existence of the universe. So logically we can turn only to the possibility that God created the heavens and the earth; but, if that’s the case, this is brings up another question that is asked over and over again. That question is “Who made God?”
Unlike the universe, which according to modern science had a beginning, God is infinite and eternal. That way an infinite eternal being, or God, can logically be demonstrated to be the uncaused first cause.
Furthermore, to suppose that because the universe had a cause, the cause must have had a cause, simply leads to a logical dead end. An infinite regression of finite causes does not answer the question of source; it merely make the effects more numerous.
Simple logic dictates that the universe is not merely an illusion — it did not spring out of nothing— and that it has not eternally existed. So the only philosophically plausible possibly that remains is that the universe was made by an unmade cause greater than itself.
For further information on this please see my books The Complete Bible Answer Book (Thomas Nelson) or Fatal Flaws(Thomas Nelson). My friend Paul Copan also addresses this in his book, That’s Just Your Interpretation: Responding to Skeptics Who Challenge Your Faith(Baker).