I would like to alert you to a brand new resource we have here at CRI. It’s a book entitled Whose Ethics? Whose Morals? The Best of the Christian Research Journal. At first blush, reading a book like this might seem to be a little more than an academic exercise. In reality, it is a matter of survival. Imagine living in a country in which members of Congress could mandate researchers to either destroy embryos or risk imprisonment. Imagine a nation that not only permits the killing of the most vulnerable among us but mandates such mayhem for the purposes of research. Imagine no further––that day has arrived. As the former Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork has well said in a book by the same moniker, we have began inexorably “slouching toward Gomorrah.”[1]


Truth is the founders of our Republic could only in their darkest nightmares have imagined relativism trumping objective moral standards in a free society. Maybe the credo of Nazi Germany of “might makes right” is something we should look at again. Ethics and morals were not determined on the basis of an objective standard but on the basis of raw power and blind bigotry. With no enduring reference point, societal norms were quickly reduced to mere matters of preference and power.


As smoke from crematoriums wafted over steeples in the German countryside, another evil reared its ugly head. Pastors and their parishioners remained strangely silent. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, however, was not among them. “If we claim to be Christians,” he said, “there is no room for expediency.”[2] Thus he stood not only against the evils of the Nazi war machine but against the confessional church more concerned with survival than moral and ethical realities on the ground. “When Christ calls a man, “said Bonhoeffer, “He bids him come and die.”[3] On April 9, 1945, just days before liberation, Bonhoeffer experienced the ultimate “cost of discipleship.”


Thankfully, most Christians in the twenty-first century have not had to make a comparable sacrifice for truth. Without the leavening power of a biblical worldview, fascism might well again hold sway. There is a razor thin edge between fascism and freedom. As such, I want you to consider engaging in three essentials.


First, pray. Without God’s blessing we are impotent in the battle to restore a biblical perspective respecting morals and ethics.


Second, share what you have learned on the Bible Answer Man broadcast and through our ministry with your family members and friends. Share this book with some of them also. One of the greatest blights of the twenty-first century is that we seldom engage in meaningful conversations. Instead we have become masters at entertaining ourselves to death.


Finally, stand with a ministry that is making an impact in the battle for truth. Through a variety of ministry outreaches the Christian Research Institute is making a strategic difference while there is yet time. Each year growing numbers of men, women and children around the globe are jettisoning relativism for a relationship with a moral law-giver who has loved them with an everlasting love. Such abundant, abiding fruit is not harvested by accident. Outside the walls of CRI an army of saints stand with us as co-laborers in a one-of-a-kind ministry. If you are ready to join the ranks, give us a call at 1-888-700-0274 or visit our Website at www.equip.org

Recommended Resources:

Whose Ethics? Whose Morals?
Whose Ethics? Whose Morals?
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[1] Robert H. Bork, Slouching towards Gomorrah (New York:  HarperCollins, 1996).

[2] Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship (Norwich, UK SCM Classic, SCM-Canterbury Press Ltd, a subsidiary of the Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1954), 25.

[3] Ibid. 44.