Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:
- Hank addresses the question: why pray if God already knows what we need? We must remember that supplication is not the sole sum of our prayers. Prayer should be a means of pursuing a dynamic relationship with the Lover of our souls. God ordains not only the ends but also the means, and while our heavenly Father knows what we need before we ask, our supplications are an indication of our dependence upon Him and that alone should be reason enough to pray without ceasing.
Questions and Answers:
- When we get to heaven will we recognize our loved ones, and will mothers who have had abortions meet and know the children they have aborted?
- How is it that Jesus’ death on the cross pays for all sins past, present, and future? Is there a logical, philosophical way of understanding this?
- I have been hearing about the rebuilding of the temple; do you know anything about this? Could you discuss why many in the Roman Catholic Church don’t seem to study Scripture?
- What is the difference between the soul and the spirit?
- Why did Jesus still have scars after His resurrection, and why didn’t people recognize Him?
- I have been hearing about the Shemitah and how something terrible may happen in September. I have a vacation planned; should I not go?