Today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast includes the following topics:
Hank’s Prologue:

  • Hank remarks on the amazing fine-tuning of the universe. One of the most astonishing discoveries of the 20th century was that the universe was fine-tuned to support intelligent life. From the force of gravity to the balance of matter and antimatter, the universe is poised on a razor’s edge. If gravity were slightly stronger or weaker the universe would not be able to support intelligent life. The fine-tuning of the universe cannot reasonably be attributed to chance because of the infinitesimally small range of values involved. Chance is infinitely more likely to produce a life-prohibiting universe than a life-sustaining one. The only plausible source of fine-tuning is an external, transcendent, incalculably powerful and intelligent personal Mind whom we call God.

Questions and Answers:

  • In 1991 George Bush signed into law Jewish Noahide Laws; what do you think of this?
  • When the Lord appeared in the Old Testament, what does that mean and what did that look like?
  • My fifteen-year-old son is being asked to read a book that has profanity and anti-Christian themes. Is there any biblical justification for allowing this?
  • As a member of the ELCA I am troubled by their stance on biblical inerrancy; is this an essential or non-essential issue?
  • What is your opinion of Paul’s thorn in the flesh? What does Paul mean when he says he pleaded with the Lord to remove it?
  • Why did God give angels free will?
  • Can you recommend a good resource that compares the different views of the rapture?
  • What did Jesus mean when He said the kingdom of heaven suffers violence?
  • What denomination do you think is the one true denomination?

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