On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank gives an overview of the brand new double issue of the Christian Research Journal. As Hank explains, one of the side-effects to the allogeneic stem-cell transplant he received in June is that the Christian Research Institute fell behind in various ministry outreaches, including the production of the Journal, and the cure is this wonderfully super-sized edition. One of the standout articles in this edition is the cover story, “How Dante’s Inferno Can Help Explain Hell to Modern Seekers” by Louis Markos. Hank also encourages listeners to start off 2020 on solid footing by reading the Bible. All too many suppose that the overcoming life can be achieved apart from the embrace of life practices like reading the Bible—but it can’t. Reading through the Bible may be a daunting proposition, but it’s a necessary one. And because it’s necessary, Hank developed the Legacy Reading Plan, free of charge at equip.org. The plan is unique in that it requires you to process books of the Bible rather than piecing together bits of books. Nothing should take precedence over getting into the Word and getting the Word into us, because if we do not regularly feed on the Word of God, we’re going to suffer spiritual consequences.