On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions:
- If we use the word tested instead of tempted in Matthew chapter 4, wouldn’t this harmonize the rest of Scripture, which states that God cannot be tempted? James – NJ (2:22)
- Why did Jesus curse the fig tree? Why does the passage go on to say that it wasn’t the season for fruit if the application is about not bearing fruit as we should? Mary – Modesto, CA (7:56)
- Can you explain what modest apparel means in 1 Timothy 2:9? Kate – Washington, MO (15:13)
- How does Micah 6:8 apply to us today? Tom – Sequim, WA (17:22)
- I had an out-of-body experience. Can you give me some advice? Morgan – St. Louis, MO (21:25)