On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (10/24/18), Hank reads a recent review he received on the Hank Unplugged podcast and discusses the international variety that is on display with the most recent episodes. Last week Hank brought an inspiring conversation with French professor, Jean-Claude Larchet. Yesterday’s episode was of Hank’s conversation with Spanish professor Darío Fernández-Morera. And earlier today Hank recorded an upcoming episode with Scottish professor James Anderson. Hank continues his discussion about Islam from yesterday’s Bible Answer Man broadcast by talking about the fact that Allah blatantly violates not only the first great commandment of our Lord but also the second. As Os Guinness points out, “contrast is the mother of clarity,” and so Hank contrasts Islam and Christianity.
Hank also answers the following questions:
- Did Emperor Constantine put the Bible together and leave scriptures out?
- Dr. David Jeremiah has said that God scientifically engineers problems in the lives of Christians. What is your take on this?
- A coworker told me that the real Israelites are African. What are the biblical facts to refute this claim?