On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (12/03/18), Hank goes into detail on the origins of Hanukkah, a Jewish festival commemorating the rededication of the Second Temple in the second century B.C. It’s a great opportunity for us to share fellowship with those that can see that there’s more to the story; that Daniel looks forward and sees the Babe of Bethlehem, who would set up a kingdom that will never end, a kingdom we will participate in as believers for all eternity.
Hank also answers the following questions:
- John 19:14 says that Jesus was crucified at about the sixth hour, but Mark 15:25 says it was the third hour; have you looked into this?
- God is with everybody—including nonbelievers—all the time. What are your thoughts on this?
- Will the third temple eventually be built? Would the Anti-Christ be in there?
- A lot of people believe the temple mentioned by Jesus is actually a metaphor for our body, is that true?