On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (06/08/21), Hank moves on in his series on the Gospel of Matthew, picking back up in Chapter 6 starting in verse 25. Jesus here assumes that His disciples worry. Worry about earthly and bodily needs turns our hearts from God. Will He who gave us our lives fail to give us that which is necessary to sustain them? And what does worry achieve? Worry does not add to life it inexorably shortens it. If God clothes the grass of the field as Jesus says in verse 30, surely He will provide common clothes to His children. Our trust in God should dispel every worry—worry that is evidence of a lack of faith. Truly if tomorrow will worry about itself as Jesus says in verse 34, then we are free from worry both in the present and in the future. With our eyes fixed on Jesus we can rest assured that every moment of our lives is under His sovereign care and control.