On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (03/03/20), Hank discusses the film Fragments of Truth, focusing on the outrageous statements made about the Bible by college professors like Bart Ehrman. In Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why Ehrman alleges mistakes and changes that ancient scribes made to the New Testament and claims that they had a very significant impact on modern Bibles. Says Ehrman, “The more I studied the manuscript tradition of the New Testament, the more I realized just how radically the text had been altered over the years at the hands of scribes.” Scribes he impugns with anti-Semitic motives. But Hank counters this ridiculous claim and shows why it does not correspond to reality.
Hank also answers the following questions:
- There’s a Bible in Georgia that supposedly leaks mineral oil; is this a legitimate miracle?
- Is masturbation permissible for me since I’m too old to reproduce and I only think of my ex-wife? Where do I stand with God on that?
- In 1 Corinthians 6:9, the New King James Version lists homosexuals and sodomites; is it possible for one to be a homosexual without being a sodomite?