On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (09/23/22), Hank answers the following questions:

  • Why didn’t God have regard for Cain’s offering?
  • Since my prayers are not going to change God’s mind, what is the point of prayer?
  • Paul said that Abraham believed in God and it was counted to him as righteousness, but if you look at his life you see a lot of sin; so how is he considered righteous?
  • Does Scripture address the use of hypnosis?
  • I was talking with an atheist and I communicated some of the arguments from Frank Turek’s book, Stealing from God, but I wasn’t able to convince him. Can you give me some tips on how to prove the existence of God?
  • I have heard people say that Job spoke negative confessions in Job 3:25, and that’s why all of the hardship befell him. Could you explain this verse?

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