On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (06/15/23), Hank reads a letter of testimony from a listener who has been blessed by the ministry of the Christian Research Institute and the Bible Answer Man broadcast.

Hank also answers the following questions:

  • Could you explain the framework view of creation?
  • Can you explain Matthew 7:21-23? What is the will of our Father in heaven?
  • Are there parallels between Jesus and the Egyptian god Horus? Have you seen the movie Zeitgeist?
  • Does John 20:22-23 support the idea that pastors can pronounce absolution of sin?


Helpful resources mentioned on today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast:

Zeitgeist—The Movie by Hank Hanegraaff

Confronting the Spirit of the Age by James Patrick Holding

The Case for the Real Jesus by Lee Strobel

The Complete Bible Answer Book by Hank Hanegraaff


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