On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (02/12/20), Hank answers the following questions:
- As Jesus grew, how aware was He of His own divinity?
- As we have seen with mass shootings involving professing Christians, is this a real test of one’s faith? If someone doesn’t profess their faith in that situation, are they denying Christ?
- Can you expound on something Joe Dallas said in his book The Game Plan?
- What do you think about the historical evidence regarding Roman taxation at the time of Jesus’ birth?
- Is Matthew 7:21-23 a picture of the judgment seat of Christ? At the final judgment when Jesus says, “Depart from Me,” could this be temporal rather than eternal?
- In the Sermon on the Mount, when Jesus speaks of cutting off your hand if it causes you to sin; how does this relate to lust and masturbation?
- Are there any prophets after Christ’s resurrection? If so, what would be their role?