On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (09/19/23), Hank answers the following questions:
- Was Joel Osteen’s father John a good Bible teacher? (0:53)
- How do you reconcile the Bible saying no one has seen God and also saying that Moses did see God? (3:44)
- Since you believe Christians can consume alcohol, will God hear the prayers of a preacher with alcohol upon his lips? (5:35)
- Do you believe in miracles? (8:46)
- Can you explain what it means to worship the Father in spirit and truth? (16:12)
- Have you heard of this teaching which claims that everyone will eventually be saved? (19:00)
- My wife has a pagan friend who says there is a higher power than God, and when we bring up Christianity, she shuts us down. How should I handle this situation? (22:03)
Resources related to today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast:
Christianity in Crisis—21st Century by Hank Hanegraaff
“Osteenification and What It Portends”
“Do I Drink Virtuously? A Christian Perspective”
“Should Miracles Such as the Virgin Birth Be Discounted?”
“Love Wins: Making a Contradictory Case for Universalism”
“In Defense of the Church’s Traditional Doctrine of Hell”
Unquenchable Fire: The Traditional Christian Teaching about Hell by Fr. Lawrence Farley