On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (12/08/23), Hank answers the following questions:

  • We are attending a King James Version only church. I am meeting with the pastor about this. Can you help me to address this situation? (0:52)
  • Do some of the teachers on TBN place too much emphasis on the Holy Spirit? Can we over-emphasize the sovereignty of God? (15:10)
  • If Jesus’ sheep hear His voice, why do so many people struggle to hear the voice of God? (21:17)
  • Since God is so powerful, why did He need to rest on the seventh day after creation? (23:13)


Resources related to today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast:

Is Your Modern Translation Corrupt?

Bible Versions: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Part One)

Bible Versions: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Part Two)

Is the Holy Spirit a Personification?

Is Jesus the Father and the Holy Spirit?

Summary Critique of Decision Making and the Will of God and In Search of Guidance


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